Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Description Of A New Economic Climate - 1488 Words

Just in time in Kalamazoo Introduction In this new economic climate were every company and organization is looking for ways to save money and to improve on their bottom line. Companies and organizations are looking at the companies for the top to the bottom and the companies and organizations that are in the manufacturing world are looking at how to be more efficient in using their dollars wiser and more productive. Since the manufacturing arena is a customer based service they have been trying to make their service more customer facing and more customer friendly. In that they are finding was to not make items or products and hoping that the customer will accept what they have already manufactured but are going to a more customer friendly we will make it to your order. This has intern given the customer a product that is made to their order and it has given the organizations less inventory on hand which in turn cuts their cost through storage and warehousing the items. This process gives the manufacture the ability to ma ke the item or product and ship it straight to the customer thus cutting down on holding and warehousing a product until some customer wants instead it is out the door as soon as it is made. This process has been name the as the â€Å" Just In Time† Process (Songini, 2000). A Company specializing in mini motor homes located in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Reviews how it might make changes in its inventory and other cost since they recently expanded its market from theShow MoreRelatedThe Climate Change Impact Statement1453 Words   |  6 PagesThe Climate Change Impact Statement (CCIS) should include the following: 1. Objectives of the CCIS: to provide a statement of the objectives of the CCIS. The structure of the CCIS should then be outlined and used to explain how the document will meet its objectives. 2. Executive summary: to convey the most important aspects and options relating to the project in a concise and readable form. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Girls in their Summer Dresses Free Essays

â€Å"The Girls in their Summer Dresses† by Irwin Shaw is about romantic love, fidelity, and marriage. The story is about Michael and Frances, a rich, young, outgoing couple living in midtown manhattan, who’s marriage is going downhill because of Michael’s desire for other women. Eventhough Michael has desires for other women, his wife, Frances, is unable to do anything about it because of society’s stagima. We will write a custom essay sample on The Girls in their Summer Dresses or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also due to the time period the story was written in, divorce was considered a really bad thing. Throughout the story we discover how Frances loves Michael so much, but Michael does not love her. Michael being totally disrespectful puts their marriage in jeopardy. There are many points in the story from which we find out that Michael does not love Frances. Firstly, Michael disrespects Frances by looking at other girls. If he really love her, he should show respect and pay attention to her instead of looking at these other women on the street. Even when he is with his wife he looks at other girls. Who knows what he does when she is not with him, even though he says he hasn’t touched any women in past five years since he is with her? Who knows! He isn’t even afraid for a single minute that his wife is walking with him and he shouldn’t watch other girls. He still think that he is macho guy according to the story â€Å"I am the envy of all men between the ages of fifteen and sixty in the state of New York.† He forgets his wife, his love. He didn’t even care once about what she will think about. He was totally not in love. They don’t have mutual understanding at all. Second, not that Michael is unfaithful now but as he said he could be in future. When they are having the discussion at a bar on 8th street, Michael tells Frances that he not only looks at pretty women on street but also fantasizes about being with them. He tells her â€Å"I love you, but I also want them.†(Shaw 8) This is no way to express that your love someone. This is considered cheating and obviously if there is cheating than there is no love at all. Furthermore Michael does nothing when Frances is crying face down into her handkerchief. â€Å"Michael didn’t say anything. He sat watching the bartender slowly peel a lemon.†(Shaw 8) This shows that Michael does not care about Frances’ feelings. It looks as though for Michael the relationship is based on physical appearance because even after a long discussion at the bar when Frances got up from the table, â€Å"Michael watched her walk, thinking, what a pretty girl, what nice legs.†(Shaw 9) If Michael really loves Frances he should try to see her inner feelings instead of her physical appearance. On the other hand, Frances being a good wife loves her husband. She tells him â€Å"Lets just hang around with each other. You and me.† This proves that she like being with him. She also has respects for him. Unlike Michael who is always looking at other girls she tells him she hasn’t looked at another man since the second time they went out. Moreover, we find out that she truly loves him when she says â€Å"I’d do any damn thing for you.† This shows that she is a good wife deeply in love with her husband. Frances being respectful, faithful, and loving proves that there are no complaints about their marriage from her side. In the ending, the most effective part of the story, we see how a women at that time period could not do anything to solve the problem but instead deal with it. Frances ends up calling the Stevensons instead of asking for a divorce. She could not be divorced because the society wont let her live. People will look at her with bad eye. Her love for Michael fades away because he shows neither commitment nor love. who would love someone that wants to be with someone else, especially after finding it out? Overall it seems as though Shaw is trying to tell the reader that not all marriages are same. He shows how for some, marriages are build with honesty, fidelity and love while for others, it’s just about physical apperance. And yes, time period is definately a matter. How to cite The Girls in their Summer Dresses, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

To what extent do you think that Charles Stuart Parnell damaged the cause of Home Rule free essay sample

To what extent do you think that Charles Stuart Parnell damaged the cause of Home Rule? Charles Stewart Parnell was born in 1846, and became one of the nost important figures in 19th Century Great Britain and Ireland. Parnell was the leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party, and one of the strongest forces behind land reform in Ireland. Parnell also was the president of the Land League, and his relationship with William Gladstone, the four time Prime Minister, led to him being a huge part in the Home Rule battle. As important as Gladstone was, this was also a disaster for Ireland in his downfall. He was exposed as having an affair with the wife of one of his closest friends, Kitty O’Shea, and his refusal to back down from leading the Irish parliamentary party split his party in half, creating havoc for the Home Rule supporters, which is why some may agree with the statement as it ruined the chances of Home Rule. Alternatively, his close work with Gladstone and his efforts to unite the conventional and revolutional sections of nationalists means there is controversy over the matter. Overall, although his arrogance caused the Home Rule bill to become tainted, his crucial work in the years previously with unification and relationships means I feel that he did more to help than hinder the Home Rule cause. One of the main faults that Parnell had that hindered the Home Rule cause was his affair with Kitty O’Shea. Katherine, or Kitty O’Shea was the wife of Captain William O’Shea, until he issued a divorce notice citing Parnell as the cause for their divorce. Although the couple were already separated,. Captain O’Shea didn’t want to get a divorce as he knew Kitty was waiting on a substantial inheritance. Parnell was listed as the cause of their divorce by Captain O’Shea, but he did not contest this as it would have lengthened the divorce process and he wished to marry her himself. A divorce decree was granted on 17th November 1890. As if the divorce case itself wasn’t enough, it also lead to his party being split. Most of the Irish parliamentary party was catholic, and it is forbidden to remarry after divorce, so many of his own members were against him due to their religious beliefs. Parnell was actually warned by Gladstone that if he retained leadership it would mean the loss of the next election, the end of their alliance and also of Home Rule. However, Parnell was determined not to concede his power. 73 members of the IPP (irish parliamentary party) met in Westminster, and tried to reach a compromise, suggesting Parnell temporarily retired. Parnell refused,  and stated â€Å"If I go, I go forever†, and blocked any move to remove him, as he was the chairman. Instead of attempting to battle him, 44 of the present members simply walked out, led by Justin McCarthy to form the Irish National Federation. This created rival groups of Parnellites a nd anti-Parnellites. The minority that remained were led by John Redmond as the Irish National League, but of Parnell’s closest associates, Michael Davitt, John Dillon, Timothy Healy and William O’Brien all deserted him. This wrenched the former IPP in two, and crushed the Home Rule cause. After the divorce case, Parnell reacted furiously to a letter between Gladstone and Justin McCarthy, that told how support for home rule would not continue as long as Parnell was in power. Parnell released a manifesto to the Irish that denounced the Liberal alliance, re-affirmed the independence of the Irish Parliamentary Party and personally attacked Gladstone, thus undoing the political work he had spent the previous five years taking part in. Irish Nationalist MPs had a tough choice to make; either stand by Parnell and lose all chance of Home Rule and support from the Liberals, or denounce Parnell and separate from him yet keep his ideology. On the 1st December 1890, a meeting took place between the IP P. The party split, with 37 MPs supporting Parnell, but 45 MPs, led by McCarthy, separating from the Party. A few days later, the Catholic clergy leaders also called upon the Irish to repudiate his position. This arrogance severely weakened the party as there was now no united front on which to fight Home Rule, and some support was lost as this gave anti-Home Rule politicians ammunition against the cause as Parnell gave a bad reputation through his actions. Parnell also refused to agree, and continued with his irrefutable defiance. He participated in by-elections to try and regain power, but was beaten in each by anti-Parnellites. This defiance continued throughout his poor health, choosing to continue with his public agitation rather than keep himself well, even though he was suffering with a kidney condition. Parnell died of a heart attack aged 45 at his home on the 6th October 1891. A final reason that hindered the Home Rule cause in relation to Parnell is that people believed he was in it more for personal gain than for the good of Ireland. Parnell made himself a central figure in Iris h Home Rule politics, meaning that his downfall was even more crushing. He was President of the National Land League, aiming to create a united movement for Home Rule. He was also at the centre of a group of  obstructionists amongst the Irish MPs, which as said by A.C Hepburn, â€Å"impeded the business of the House Of Commons in order to publicise the nationalist cause.† His central role is also seen again in Source 6, England 1870-1914 by R. Ensor, but in a hindering manner. The source reads â€Å"The savage feuds caused by his arrogant refusal to resign tore the Home Rule movement apart and rescued Salisbury’s government.† This reinforces that it was in fact Parnell’s fault that the downfall of the Home Rule cause occurred. This arrogance and determination to be a central figure meant that actually after his downfall he could not be replaced by anybody, weakening the Home Rule cause and the Irish party in general. Alternatively, Parnell did also massively help the Irish cause. His relationship with the Prime Minister, William Gladstone, allowed the Irish politicians to finally gain a voice in Parliament, of which they had never had a chance to before. His obstructionism in Parliament â€Å"won attention at Westminster†, as said by A.C Hepburn in Source 4. Source 5 comes from a speech by Gladstone to the House of Commons, where he outlines his respect for the Home Rule plan – â€Å"I cannot say it is otherwise when five-sixths of its lawfully chosen representatives are of one mind in this matter† – which suggests that there are some unlawful aspects of the IPP, yet supports the constitutional path they have chosen to take. Source 6, by R. Ensor, reinforces that the relationship between Parnell and Gladstone, as â€Å"In 1890 Parnell reached a new peak†, as the Home Rule support was growing rapidly and his working relationship and mutual respect was paying off for himself and the Irish. One of the main reasons Parnell had success with the Irish cause was the fact that he managed to create a united Irish movement. His support was split between the constitutionals who wished to go the legal way to win home rule and improve Irish support, but he was also supported by the more radical side of the Irish nationalists, the Fenians. This put him in a difficult position on some decisions as it meant he may lose the support of one side, but overall this unification brought success. For example, having the radicals on side showed that he had a good relationship with them, which suggested that he may be able to help Gladstone control them so that they weren’t as much as threat to the crown. Source 4 states â€Å"and amongst ex-Fenians in Irish-America who had nothing but contempt for constitutional  nationalism† which emphasises his influence, as even though the Fenians didn’t tend to use constitutional methods to try and achieve their aims, they supporte d Parnell and his methods. Source 5 implies that the speaker is not convinced by Parnell, as the source says â€Å"I cherish the hope that this is not merely a lesser evil, but may prove to be good in itself† suggests that the speaker is not confident about their alliance totally. This is surprising as Source 5 comes from William Gladstone, Parnell’s political ally, so you would not expect Gladstone to show a lack of confidence publically. Source 6 agrees that Parnell created a united movement, but also believes that he ruined it as well as creating it – â€Å"the disclosure of Parnell’s personal life brought down his career and his cause† – through his involvement in an affair with Kitty O’Shea. Overall I feel that although Parnell was a huge damage to Home Rule after he split the party and brought a poor reputation on the Irish Parliamentary Party, without Parnell there would have been no strong case for Home Rule, as predecessors lacked his charisma, drive, and support from many areas of society, both British and Irish. If it was not for his defiance and early death, then Parnell may have led Ireland to success with more than just Home Rule.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Samsung Electronics Essay Essay Example

Samsung Electronics Essay Paper Executive Summary Recent quality related issues have put Samsung Electronics. one of the world’s largest engineering companies at hazard. These quality concerns. spiked through recent callbacks and external ailments. have generated a flow of bad intelligence coming to the desk of quality manager Kevin Sarni. The issues most normally found within the ailments related to expose issues. client service support. faulty electric constituents. sound. and safety. Of the chief issues. show and client service support appeared to be the most damaging. Once the forms and subjects became seeable. Samsung and its quality manager Kevin Sarni were challenged with instantly placing root causes. This was non an easy undertaking. although with the aid of a Six Sigma Black Belt adviser. Sarni was able to get down farther qualitative analysis to find where action is necessary. We will write a custom essay sample on Samsung Electronics Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Samsung Electronics Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Samsung Electronics Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Problem Designation In April of 2012. Samsung Electronics. and its quality manager Kevin Sarni faced a figure of quality related jobs with their LCD telecastings. The jobs foremost surfaced after a recent LCD Television callback. Shortly thenceforth. ailments were generated through other beginnings online. every bit good as Samsung’s internal ailment database. ConsumerAffairs. the chief beginning of external client ailments. was an independent consumer intelligence and blogging web site. Sarni couldn’t believe the emotions encapsulated within the ailments found on ConsumerAffairs. and was concerned about the public rapidly developing a negative perceptual experience of Samsung’s merchandises. In the yesteryear. Sarni had worked specifically on quantitative fabrication informations and hence. lacked experience with the analysis of qualitative steps. Samsung’s dwindling quality and increasing figure of ailments had to be stopped. and as the quality manager. Sarni knew he had to assail them. but was faced with the inquiry of how to make so. Problem Analysis After farther analysis of the 33 ailments posted on ConsumerAffairs. at that place appeared to be some important forms. In order to take out the list of ailments it was necessary to build a tabular array naming the chief classs of issues. The five chief classs identified were show. client service. electronic constituents. sound. and safety. After the chief classs were established. subcategories were created ( Appendix 1 ) . The subcategories are merely smaller graduated table issues that relate to a bigger image job. Some ailments really included multiple facets. and are hence placed in more than one chief class. After categorising and analysing the ailments. an affinity diagram was created ( Appendix 2 ) . Following. a Pareto analysis was constructed in order to show the cumulative per centum and single frequences of the ailments ( Appendix 3 ) . Both the affinity diagram and the Pareto analysis show the two largest classs being show issues and client service issues. These two classs entirely amounted to 75 % of the issues addressed within the ailments. The largest issues in footings of show were lines through the screen. no image at all. and a fluttering image. Although there is no rigorous grounds. it is extremely likely that a faulty electronic constituent installed in the telecasting could do show issues. Customer service on the other manus was rather sporadic in footings of low frequences in the subcategories except for expired warranty/service programs and non-refundable state of affairss. These peculiar ailments of expired service seem to be the most emotional of all. and most likely the 1s that could develop a negative perceptual experience in the eyes of the populace. Other subcategories. such as audio and safety. were comparatively low in frequence. and hence should non be the immediate jobs to turn to. Last. to assistance in placing root causes. a cause-and-effect diagram was created ( Appendix 4 ) . The diagram consists of four subdiv isions including stuffs. procedures. environment. and people. Action Plan Due to such a high frequence in show issues. Sarni must turn to them with immediate attending. Assuming that many of the show issues are caused by defective constituents. such as the chief board. it is of import to place where in the procedure these faulty constituents are coming from whether it be internal fabrication procedures or providers. Since providers happen to be at the beginning of the supply concatenation it would be necessary to get down at that place. Sarni. along with cross-functional squads from Samsung must instantly schedule a visit to their chief providers of constituents such as the chief board. Once the visits are scheduled. Sarni and the cross-functional squads will carry on extended audits of the supplier’s processes and systems. The audits will dwell of elaborate scrutinies of the supplier’s equipment. procedure capableness. installations. and forces. Each provider they visit. Sarni along with another director. will be responsible for rating each provider. The rating prosodies should dwell of defects per twenty-four hours. harm. flexibleness. reactivity. and communicating. Grades will be recorded on a provider scorecard and so electronically documented upon return to Samsung’s office. Dependant on the findings. Sarni may be faced with taking another provider. that is. 1 who is systematically able to run into design specifications. Finally. one time a quality provider is developed within Samsung’s web of spouses. Sarni must direct important attempt in supervising their public presentation. To supervise the supplier’s public presentation overtime. Sarni will put formal ends and step the peculiar supplier’s public presentation against these ends on a regular footing. Although this peculiar provider audit procedure may take a few hebdomads. it must get down instantly. Ultimately. it will supply Sarni a definite reply of whether the faulty constituents are supplier related. or internally related. such as Samsung’s fabrication procedure. If so the faulty constituents continue to be experienced after the provider audit procedure. Sarni must get down an immediate review and audit of Samsung’s in-house fabrication procedures. After immediate action. the undermentioned term must besides be considered. The following most of import issue to turn to is Samsung’s degree of client service. Assuming Sarni doesn’t have direct authorization over the call centre employees. the client service manager will be in charge of turn toing client service betterments. The first measure in bettering client service will be the execution of an etiquette class required for each and every call centre employee. The etiquette class will be administered electronically and will hold a completion deadline. The class will include new guidelines and protocol associating to keeping clip. airting calls. taking duty. and being empathic towards the client. Upon the completion deadline. the client service manager must implement a recording system on all incoming phone calls to the call centre in order to supervise employee’s etiquette towards clients. Failure to stay by etiquette guidelines and protocol upon taking the etiquette class. would ensue in expiration of employment. After basic etiquette is established with the call centre employees. the client service manager must get down authorising his employees to take on larger duties and functions. The bulk of client ailments from ConsumerAffairs were directed towards the call centre and their inability to assist. Through employee authorization. the client service manager will let employees to publish a refund or replacing whether or non the customer’s guarantee or service program is expired. Not merely will this greatly better client service. but it could besides better employee morale because employees will experience a greater sense of power. Last. after bettering client service in the call centre. farther betterments may be aimed at extinguishing technicians. Sarni along with top direction must do the determination to outsource on-site fixs. Presently. on-site fixs are doing many jobs for Samsung every bit good as its clients. Many times the technician has been unable to mend the Television whether it was because of unavailable parts. wrong diagnosing. or merely an unqualified maintenance man. Alternatively of seeking to manage all facets of the concern internally. Samsung must engage an outside house with more experient technicians. To get down outsourcing on-site fixs. Sarni along with top direction must carry on research in order to happen fix companies that serve each geographical part. Upon choice. Samsung’s client service manager will set up a plan to pass on fix orders to the hosting company. This will let orders to be electronically transferred to the hosting company. who will so be responsible for transporting out the fix from that point on. Samsung’s call centre will so expect verification that the fix has been performed and follow up with the client. Not merely will the outsourcing allow Samsung to concentrate on its nucleus concern patterns. but it will besides cut down the sum of money tied up in assets such as fix trucks. tools. and parts.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Anthropology Of Shamanism And Spirit Possession Religion Essay Essay Example

Anthropology Of Shamanism And Spirit Possession Religion Essay Essay Example Anthropology Of Shamanism And Spirit Possession Religion Essay Essay Anthropology Of Shamanism And Spirit Possession Religion Essay Essay spirit ownership was non merely about civilization in Zimbabwe but involve besides the societal, political and moral facet of the society. The ability of the mediums to ask from the ascendants on the manner frontward for the Ndebele and Shona and to announce what was to go on created a enduring relationship between the war veterans and the Mediums. The recent reoccupation of land held by the colonists is an illustration of the influence of the spirit mediums. There are incidences where spirit ceremonials were held on acquired land in the rural countries and the liquors of the ascendants through the mediums supported the land reform plan. The statement has been that since the first and the 2nd Chimurenga wars did non finally return back the hereditary land. The land reforms being spearheaded are merely the continuance of the chimurenga war of release. Decision Spirit ownership through the mediums forms portion of the cultural development of the communities that pattern the traditional faith. The liquors are a nexus between the present and the past and influence the activities of the present. This relationship can be seen between the war veterans and the spirit mediums in Zimbabwe where there has been a reemergence of this relationship since the land reform initiated by the Zimbabwean authorities and supported by the war veterans. Ceremonies have been done on re- occupied land to welcome back the liquors of the ascendants to their hereditary places.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Balancing Family & Work Life Essay Example for Free

Balancing Family & Work Life Essay A. Thesis Statement Attending school as an adult, and maintaining a source of employment can be a daunting task, as many adults who had to delay their college education must know. One of the most challenging aspects of adult life consists of learning how to adjust accordingly to the rigors of life at home as well as the workplace. Failure to do so can lead to a life of complete disarray, stress, illness and exhaustion. II. Body Paragraph #1 – Topic Sentence #1 Traditionally the typical age group for freshmen in college was between 18 to 19 years of age. That reality has slowly changed as more young adults are finding their way back in the classroom, while holding down a job. The information I found in P.14 of the ebrary book: Families and Work: New Directions in the Twenty-First Century, by Fredriksen-Goldsen, Karen I. states: â€Å"Of the more than 69 million American parents with children under the age of 18 (Famighetti, 1998), almost 90 percent are employed (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1998).† At the same time, there are working professionals attempting to achieve a college education in order to refine their skills, or to gain new ones. Among those working adults, young couples typically tend to have a harder time with managing the broad aspects of life, especially those who are in the early stages of their relationship, which has the potential to result in a lot of growing pains. The information found in an article from the following website; http://pods.dasnr.okstate.edu/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-2421/T-2233web.pdf states: â€Å"Family and work settings have a built-in potential for conflict. Adults may get overwhelmed with the excessive demands that are required of them from either end of the spectrum, leaving them with the feeling of having very little time to accomplish those tasks.† Finding a balance between work and home involves finding ways of accomplishing the tasks at home as well as duties at work. Those responsibilities are often shared among couples in a healthy relationship. The equality of the shared house  chores, however, is up or debate. It has long been stated that the task of maintaining the home primarily fell on the woman’s shoulders, while the man focuses mainly on duties in the workplace. For some married couples, trying to get their husband to help with the housework typically led to domestic disputes. In recent years however, men have been getting more involved with parenting than ever before. A passage from (Giraffe 2011) states: â€Å"The recession of 2008 contributed to this arrangement because increased unemployment left more fathers available to care for their children and the reduced family income made outside childcare services unaffordable.† The traditional view of the American household should change because of an increase in the number of two-parent families entering the labor force. One of the primary services built around that change in society is the daycare system. Many of those two-parent families, as well as single parents may not have direct support from their families to take care of the children while they’re away at work. While some of the household work, such as childcare and housekeeping, has transitioned to outside providers, many working mothers cannot afford to employ these services (Giraffe, 2011). Unfortunately a big portion of their income goes to high daycare fees. III. Body Paragraph #2 – Topic Sentence #2 When the constants demands of life are far too much to bear, employees tend to feel the need to escape, and seek an alternate reality. We must look at the adverse effects that those long work hours have on the human body. Overworked individuals can suffer from work related illnesses as a result of excessive stress. Work related stress can result from extended hours due to mandatory overtime in some case. An employer’s rigid work hours which can prevent employees from tending to occasional issues at home can also be blamed for stress on the job. Employees suffering the effects of stress in the workplace tend to have bouts of absenteeism. Absenteeism in the workplace is a major issue, with tangible and intangible costs. Although the absentee loses wages in the process, the major loss is at the expense of the employer. The ebrary book by Lynn  Tylczak, (Attacking absenteeism 1990), describes the intangible costs of absenteeism as follows: â€Å"Absentee costs are difficult to quantify. Experts estimate direct wage loses of more than $30 billion per year, and that’s just the beginning. Employers also need to consider the costs of supplementary or replacement workers. These costs include: Regular wages, overtime wages, and company benefits Supplementary benefits, such as Social Security, worker’s compensation, and unemployment compensation Administration of recruitment, selection orientation, and training Penalty costs resulting from delays.† The author (Lynn T. 1990) also gives the following explanation from the tangible cost of absenteeism: â€Å"It forces managers to deal with problems of morale, discipline, job dissatisfaction, job stress, team spirit, productivity, turnover, production quality, additional administration and overhead.† Many employers have become more cognizant of the disastrous effects of having stressful employees in the workplace. This is not only calculated in monetary losses based on productivity, but also in the valuable asset (the employee) which could potentially offset those losses. IV. Body Paragraph #3 Topic sentence # 3 Those who value their time with their families certainly appreciate the value of being away from work. This is particularly why a lot of us look forward to our vacation time. It us the opportunity to recharge our batteries and gives us the courage to return to our regular lives. Many employers have adapted to the changes in society by implementing new ways for employees to earn vacation time from work. While some of us are comfortable being â€Å"working stiffs†, most people would rather look forward to their time away from work. An ebrary book by ANDERSON, NELS titled Work and Leisure states: â€Å"Although leisure reflects and supplements work, it is also used as a release from work. Some are of the view that unless a man has worked he cannot really enjoy leisure. They hold that while a man is working to earn a wage or salary, he also ‘earns’ leisure.† It is absolutely true that in order to fully enjoy our vacation time, we must work hard for it. That time of leisure can then be considered our reward for achieving the demands required of us in the workplace. Those who properly plan their vacation can benefit from sights  rarely seen in everyday life. Most people find it more beneficial to take their vacation in some exotic location. The topic on how to enjoy a proper vacation will vary from one employee to the next. V. Body Paragraph #4 Topic sentence # 4 Employers have devised lots of ways to keep valuable talent within their workforce, while allowing them time to accomplish their house work. Those arrangements can be profitable to the employer as well as the employee in some cases. Some of the sensible ways employers provide to employees are flextime, teleworking, and employee incentive just to name a few. Flextime is highly valuable to employees because it allows them to have more control over the balancing act of work and home life. It also provides them the option of choosing when to complete their work. Flextime allows employees to handle personal business such as doctor appointments or school functions without having to take sick leave or vacation time. Employers’ personnel needs are met and they get employees at their best. In highly skilled positions where competition for employees is fierce and employee turnover costly, flexible schedules can also reduce attrition by making employees more content with their jobs (Giraffe, 2011). Teleworking provides some lucky employees the opportunity to work remotely. With this system employees can either work from home or in some shared work spaces. In most cases employees would prefer to work from home because it is the ideal place to work from. This reduces the work commute, and the amount stress to the employee. It takes an especially disciplined employee to work from home, because of the constant distractions from home can cause the employee’s work performance to suffer. Employers must be careful when considering the type of employees they provide that opportunity to. Through teleworking, some employees do get to achieve balance between family and work life. Balancing Family & Work Life. (2016, Oct 18). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fruit of the Loom Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fruit of the Loom - Research Proposal Example The main focus of the business is on producing consumer clothing of wide range catering to the needs from children to senior citizens. The overall business model of the firm is based upon selling its merchandize to chain stores and other outlets which than sell out the products of the company to the general public. The overall product range of the firm is really diverse and includes underwear as well as designer socks aimed at mass market accessed through these superstores and other chain stores. Fruit of the Loom does not sell directly to its customers through its own outlets. Firm also sells designer socks and sell them in different varieties aimed at different target customers. The overall range of socks includes designer socks for men, women, boys, girls as well as toddlers. This diversified range of products therefore caters to different needs of the customers while at the same time provides essential utility. The different ranges according to gender however are further divided into suitable categories such as â€Å"Everyday Basics†, â€Å"Stays Back†, â€Å"Odor Special†, â€Å"Sport Stretch†.1 The range of designer socks therefore covers almost every market segment and is rightly placed in the market to cater to the needs of mass market while at the same time offer designer looks and utilities. ... Such situation therefore may indicate that overall demand for designer socks may be low as consumers may not be willing to spend on high priced items. Social & demographic factors Designer clothing always suggest prestige and honor and those who use such type of clothing often attempt to build such image. As such designer products are often used by the consumers falling in high income earning groups. Technological trends Technology is shifting towards making designer socks fit to different needs of the consumers. Add-ons such as ankle support, no-fading of colors, odor-control technology etc are some of the key technological changes which will further create niches in the market. Firms focusing on offering such technological add-ons therefore can certainly be dominating in the market. Regulatory issues Regulatory issues may come in the form of health related regulations which may force firms to adapt certain technologies and practices which can reduce the health risk associated with the use of such products. Further, issues like improper labor standards, child labor as well as unhygienic conditions in countries from where raw material is imported can create significant challenges for the firms to deal with. Five Forces Analysis Threat of new entrants Though the overall cost of entry may be not be relatively high however, it may be relatively difficult for newcomers to dominate a market which is full of already established players in the market. Though consumers may prefer a certain image or attachment with a designer brand however an innovative product by a new entrant can disrupt the market. As such the overall threat of new entrants may be

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Class-Action Lawsuit against University Royal Beauty Pageants Term Paper

Class-Action Lawsuit against University Royal Beauty Pageants - Term Paper Example These competitions have always been the source of great attention and rarely without controversy, leading one to question whether these competitions are ethical, and whether it is fair on the children who participate in them. Our firm believes that while they may be carried out with the best of motivation, their execution is one that is terribly flawed, and could be greatly detrimental to the well being of these children in the future, accompanied by the severe lack of laws governing the state and regulation of beauty pageants (Nussbaum, 2008) thus feel that legal action must be taken against the child beauty pageant industry. While it may be true that some of those contestants are there of their own accord and are indeed old enough to make that decisions, for example those that compete in the category for eight to ten year old children, it leads one to question what the sense is in having a competition that has contestants under the age of two. Surely they have no desire to be made up and dressed up, put into costumes and props, and taken out before a room full of cheering and shouting people. Babies at that age hardly appreciate getting dressed after a bath, it is unreasonable to expect one to believe that they would appreciate being adorned in ruffles and sequins and enduring extensive hours of make up, when they are at an age where they hardly have developed eyelashes or eyebrows. Furthermore, even if those girls who are in the 'older' category of the competition, eight to ten year old’s, which is still young by any stretch of the imagination, are there of their own accord as many representatives of this industry remark, it leads one to question whether firstly, they are conditioned into wanting that, and secondly, whether it is fair to allow them to do it in any case. When a child has been raised with the idea that they are beautiful and they will not only be appreciated for that beauty, but rewarded for it, as long as they allow someone to sit them on a pedestal and extensively observe them, how is a child expected to work out for themselves that it is wrong to be judged and rewarded on the basis of outward appearance? Those that argue over the fact that there are talent rounds and other judging criteria, what they don't realize is that even dancing and singing is a talent based on showcasing oneself, and ultimately makes the competition one that is b ased on outward superficial criteria of appearances. When a child learns that how they look is an easy ticket to getting recognition, they do not develop the understanding of how it is what is inside, intellect and compassion that is what should be focused on and developed. Every little girl wants make up and clothes, but it is the job of the parents to teach children that they do not need to rely on make up or glitter to appear beautiful, and that being the center of attention does not necessarily warrant one to be the best, nor should that be the criteria that they judge, or allow themselves to be judged on. In addition to these fundamental problems with the concept of a beauty pageant, our firms finds there to be many contradictions with the statements the child pageant industry puts out. Standards have risen so high in recent years, with the advent of greater stakes and higher levels of competition, that girls are having to rely more on more on fake beauty enhancers, rather than their own natural beauty. Fake spray tans, fake eyelashes, fake hair extension, even fake teeth, and all this on children who are at most nine or ten, and at their youngest, one or two, what sort of a message does that send to these children. Not only does

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Testing the Materials and its Importance Essay Example for Free

Testing the Materials and its Importance Essay The history of the development of protective gears worn by fire fighters would not be complete without the discussion of the most important aspect involved in the production, creation and standardization of the â€Å"safe† and â€Å"effective† fire protection gear and clothing for fire figthers. â€Å"A number of standards organizations have tests for the performance of thermal protective clothing when it is new, however there is currently no standard for the continuing performance of this gear (Yarborough, 2005, p. 74). † This is important because brand new equipment, gear and clothing should provide optimum capability for whatever purpose it was designed for. It is quite dangerous, however, that these gears are not subjected to more tests as they age after numerous use, which forces fire fighting organizations to either purchase new fire protective gears after a particular period of time or when they believe that the equipment has already surpassed its usability and efficiency. While some organizations who do not have ample funding from government may opt to make do with what they have even if there gears and protective clothing is in a state of questionable efficiency and usability. This situation may also prove to be a catalyst for the important change in the history of protective gear and clothing used in fire fighting, especially if this particular discrepancy is acted upon with new policies that address the problem of efficiency and reliability of old and used protective gear and clothing. â€Å"As performance of this clothing can deteriorate over its useful lifetime, there is a need to develop methods to determine when fire departments should retire their gear (Yarborough, 2005, p. 74). † But the presence of tests and examinations nonetheless are important points in the manufacturing and use of fire fighting clothing and gears. These examinations and quality tests through the years have become an important aspect in the creation of fire protection clothing and gear. This action guarantees fire fighters and fire officials that what the government regulates its fire fighters to wear are actually proven safe and effective and will contribute to the safety assurance of the lives of the fire figthers during fire fighting operations. These examinations test different protective gears and clothing, submit it to real, brutal and worse case scenario situations to see how it responds and how it affects the person wearing it, at the same time allowing the investigators to see the areas of improvement for these particular fire protection clothing and gear. Without these examinations and measures designed to regulate the design and use of fire protection gears and clothing, fire fighters do not know for sure if what they are wearing and what they are using can actually help them. â€Å"The National Fire Protection Association has published the NFPA Standard on Protective Ensemble for Structural Fire Fighting which specifies construction and minimum performance requirements for structural fire fighting gear. The standard references a number of ASTM fabric tests for use in the specification of new gear elements (Yarborough, 2005, p. 74). † What is more dangerous is that fire fighters maybe led into a false hope of safety that they are unknowingly putting themselves in harm’s way with the odds heavily stacked against them because they are not as well protected as they thought they were.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Vocational Education and Training Essay -- essays research papers

THERE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN VOCATIONAL ASPECTS TO SCHOOLING IN AUSTRALIA. HOWEVER, IN RECENT TIMES THERE HAS BEEN AN INCREASED EMPHASIS ON THIS ASPECT OF SCHOOLING WITHIN BOTH THE GENERAL CURRICULUM AND THOSE AREAS THAT HAVE A PARTICULAR VOCATIONAL FLAVOUR. IN WHAT WAYS DOES THIS EMPHASIS PROVIDE A BROADER OR NARROWER CONCEPTION OF EDUCTION FOR SCHOOL STUDENTS? YOUR RESPONSE NEEDS TO REFER TO: (I) THE AIMS OF THE ‘NEW VOCATIONALISM’ AND HOW IT IS CURRENTLY BEING MANIFESTED IN SECONDARY SCHOOLING; (II) HOW EQUALITY OF OUTCOMES FOR ALL SENIOR STUDENTS CAN BE MANAGED AT AT TIME OF HIGH STUDENT RETENTION IN THE POST-COMPULSORY YEARS AND (III) A CRITIQUE OF THE CURRENT VET IN SCHOOLS POLICY. Aims and Origins of New Vocationalism What is vocational education? That depends on the period in history and whom you ask. There is probably no greater bone of contention or confusion among educators. Vocational education or educating students to fulfil their vocation or calling in life is such a broad definition. Traditionally it has been seen as an education for those not taking up tertiary studies, for those who instead undertake hands on training before entering the world of work. If this then is the definition, entry to some of the most highly regarded professions, is through vocational education. Take for example the doctor, teacher or the architect. In each of these cases the undergraduate student must undertake some form of on the job training and examination in order to receive their registration. This then changes the focus of vocational education. No longer can we look from the traditional view that it is for tradespeople, or blue-collar workers. We must then take a more encompassing view that it is necessary element of education for all students, to give them the grounding to deal with the challenges of the work force, regardless of the esteem the work they will ultimately do is held in. Vocational Education is certainly not a new phenomenon. It has existed in some form or another in Australia schools since formal education began (Skilbeck et al, 1994). Vocational education has always been at the whim of the financial and political climate. In a boom, there is a surge in popularity in order to meet the skills shortages, in an economic crisis it is seen as the best â€Å"way out† (Keating, 1998). Since the industrial revolution there have been calls from industry for edu... ...e outside world. That education should reflect the world it prepares students to live in, and not simply focus on the facts so that students reach set academic levels. Not all students have talent in all areas, and new vocationalism is a way of tailoring education to better suit the changing needs of our students as they enter the unknown world of this new millennium. References ANTA web site, 2000. http://www.anta.gov.au/abc/VETinSchools.htm Frost, M. 2000. Releasing the Genie: The Impact of VET in Schools on Education. Curriculum Perspectives 20:1 (pp45-50). Downloaded from web site: http://www.vetnetwork.org.au/resources/papers/acapaper.html Keating, J. 1998. Australian Training Reform: Implications for Schools (Revised Edition). Curriculum Corporation, Melbourne, Victoria. Pollard, A., Puvris, J. & Walford, G. 1988. Education Training & the New Vocationalism: Experience and Policy. Open University Press, Milton Keynes. Robinson, C. & Kenyan, R. 1998. The Market for Vocational Education & Training. NCVER, Leabrook, SA. Skilbeck, M. Connell, H. Lowe, N. & Tait, K. 1994. The Vocational Quest: New Directions in Education and Training. Routledge, London.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Christian Motif in Dracula

Even though the novel portrays Anta-Charlatans values and beliefs, Abram Stoker as able to use different methods in his novel to show how the Catholic beliefs were useful as a protection towards evil, and to be able to compare the powers between good and evil. Throughout the novel, the reader can plainly notice some of the characters' transformation from being part of the English Church to a Catholic one. One of the clearest examples is Jonathan Harder, the English Churchman.When he first received the rosary and crucifix from the lady, he had mixed feelings since his church saw those objects as idolatrous. However, the character develops an â€Å"obvious social and religious tolerance† (Stars, D. Bruno) towards the Catholic Church. As Harder returns to Transylvania, he's the opposite as he first left – instead of being alone, unsure and Protestant, he is now In a group, experienced, and quasi- Catholic. † (Stars, D. Bruno) There are many Instances throughout the n ovel where Abram Stoker makes an allegory to the Bible.The supernatural being Drachma represents the concept of Satan since his descriptions are resoundingly satanic: hen enraged his eyes light like â€Å"the flames of hell-fire blazed behind them† (Stoker, Abram) and he flashes a â€Å"smile that Judas in hell might be proud of† (Stoker, Abram) One direct allegory to the Bible's Book of Revelation's four houses of the apocalypse was when Drachma appeared in a â€Å"cal ©chew, with four horses† (Stoker, Abram). Also the use of capitalization of personal pronouns in reference to Drachma, which is generally reserved to God, means that Drachma is presented on a par with God.This continuous SE of Catholic allegory helps clarify the purpose of Broker's usage of Catholicism as a motif. The fight between good and evil also help portray the purpose of Stoker's use of Catholicism. In order for Seward, Mina, Harder, Morris, and Helping to defeat Drachma they had to work together with both technology and their own faith. The character would often find themselves asking for God's help and saying the phase â€Å"God's will be done. † With the increase in their Catholic faith, the characters were bled to believe in their religious tools and defeat Drachma.With faith and hope on Catholicism, they were able to achieve their goal. The use of Catholicism as a motif evidently supports the idea of Drachma being a pro-Catholic propaganda. Stoker was able to fulfill his purpose by spreading his ideals and beliefs of the Catholic Church. Stoker was able to depict Protestants and Catholics peacefully working together, however he did not include the Protestant faith to the destruction of Drachma (Stars, D. Bruno).

Saturday, November 9, 2019


Lymphoma Lymphoma is known as lymphatic obstruction, this condition can and will cause fluid retention and tissue swelling. This is caused by a compromised lymphatic system. The 1st incident of lymphoma noted on the records was by Sir William Osler for William Mildly, an American physician, who described a case in 1892, though It was first described by Rudolf Birch In 1863. It Is also known as Mildly disease, None-Mildly-Image syndrome and hereditary lymphoma.In later years any other causes were found such as cancer surgery where nodes were removed resulting In the term secondary lymphoma. In the last few years with genetic testing we have found mixed deemed such as the person who has the genetic tendency for lymphoma but didn't have It In childhood but who had trauma or surgery and developed It later In life, which Is a primary lymphoma patient with secondary causes Lymphoma Is something I have come well familiar with due to my boyfriend has primary Allemande. He was diagnosed -In 2 007 but for 4 years no one knows what was wrong with him.Now that he has been diagnosed we are working to control the fluid and the growth. With his condition it has affected his left leg. This condition has changed his whole life. He had to change his diet, clothing, his fluid intake, travel and even his soap. This is a condition that he may have to live with the rest of his life. I say may b/c I believe there will be a cure or if not a cure and plan to protect this condition from taking over the body the way it does. With having Lymphoma you need to do therapy at least 3-5 days a week depends on what yourDoctor puts you on. Therapy consist of massaging the lymph nodes starting from the neck to the shoulders to under the breast to the armpit down to the waist to groin to the inner to outside portion of the thighs and work your way down to the knee to the ankle. The progress is repeated starting from the ankle to the neck once you complete one side if the body you will start on the other side. Once the massage is complete for the whole body is now time to wrap the affected portion of the body (the leg) with bandages. The bandages are applied to retain reduction.There are efferent types are bandages one type is foam which works better for my boyfriend so he can bend is leg. When you are wrapped you are constricted to movement. I do believe with all the research taking place now there will be a cure or an evolution In the development or care and medicine. Thankful all for you time If you have any questions I will answer to the best of my ability and I also have websites and some brochures about the condition though it was first described by Rudolf Birch in 1863. It is also known as Mildly resulting in the term secondary lymphoma.In the last few years with genetic tendency for lymphoma but didn't have it in childhood but who had trauma or surgery and developed it later in life, which is a primary lymphoma patient with secondary causes Lymphoma is something I have come well familiar with due to my boyfriend has primary Lymphatic. He was diagnosed -in 2007 but for 4 years believe with all the research taking place now there will be a cure or an evolution in Thank you all for you time if you have any questions I will answer to the best of my ability and I also have websites and some brochures about the condition

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Attitude Essays


Monday, November 4, 2019

Week 2 assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 2 assignment - Essay Example Each of these perspectives and corresponding strategies has their advantages and disadvantages; one approach reinforces individual attributes at the expense of group identity, while the other approach upholds group adherence at the expense of individual identity. The choice of one or the other approach will suit particular businesses, a decision which will rely on the manager’s understanding of his organization and perceptiveness of human nature. The report by Plaut, Thomas and Goren (2009) sought to determine the impact of diversity efforts from two positions – that of the cultural majority (i.e., Whites), and that of minorities. The study showed that multiculturalism on the part of Whites enhanced engagement among minorities, while minimization of differences (i.e., color blindness) among the majority intensified feelings of bias among minorities. I favor multiculturalism rather than color-blindness, because it assures the minority individual of acceptance of his individuality and uniqueness, maintaining his/her cultural identity and according him/her the respect and dignity due as an equal. It further preserves cultures that may otherwise pass on to obscurity, enriching the cultural fabric of the pluralist society. This plurality is more difficult to apply in other target aspects of diversity such as gender equality. An example is the case of women contending for promotion and equal compensation in traditionally ma le-dominated businesses (e.g. sports, technological, construction and other heavy industries) (Burke, 2009), and the specifically female dilemma of work-home interference (Beauregard, 2009). Two perspectives are identified by Rink and Ellemers (2011): the information decision-making perspective, and the social identity/self-categorization perspective. The former maintains that demographic differences produce greater value in

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21

Journal - Essay Example Kennedy has several points he wants to drive home in his inaugural speech. First, he seeks to pass a message of accomplishment to his fans and a new era to Americans and beyond. His speech starts with diction to show his presidential accomplishment and to pass a message to Americans that he believes in the freedom gained through his election. Secondly, his speech seeks to get support from Americans to back his presidency. He achieves this through awakening Americans pre-existing sense of pride by reminding them of their heroic independent day. Kennedy seems to have a deeper understanding of his audience most of which happened to be Americans. He knows that independent day means so much to Americans and so his reference to it and to forbearers creates some support for Kennedy through association. His reference to history also helps him achieve the aspect of credibility needed by his audience. In addition, Kennedy portrays an understanding of the audience by constructing a message desi gned for the media. His message is rhetoric and full of imagery, which makes it appealing to the public in America and beyond and memorable. Kennedy is a man of good character. After being sworn in and acknowledging the purpose of the celebrations, Kennedy goes ahead to declare the solemnity of this act. Kennedy states, â€Å"For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forbears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago† (Kennedy web). Kennedy acknowledges the supreme power above him, which is God. In addition, he does not take the entire glory of the success but recognises that his forebears had prescribed it. In addition, Kennedy uses a polite tone it trying to get support for his presidency. For instance, Kennedy says, â€Å"Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts,

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Principles of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Principles of Marketing - Essay Example The formulation of a long term marketing plan ensures that the resort remains a popular tourist destination and highly competitive. In 2007, Alton Towers joined Merlin Entertainment Group which is the second largest and the most dynamic tourist attraction (Fyall et al., 2008). Merlin manages tourist attractions, hotels and holiday villages in different parts of the world. The growth strategy involves the continuous investment in all the attractions to improve quality of the customer service and experience. The company also aims to develop the theme parks into short break resort destinations with the inclusion of accommodation options and more quality entertainment along the Alton Tower model. Alton Towers is the ninth most visited theme park in Europe and the most popular park in the UK. The park attracts approximately 2.7 million visitors annually (Alton Towers, 2010). The resort has developed a 10 year plan to remain a favorite tourist destination and to ensure its competitiveness. Upon finalization, the plan should be handed over to the Council to notify them about the review process for the production of a n ew (SPD) Supplementary Planning Document for Alton Towers. Alton Towers should consider its environment before choosing the marketing principles to apply. The internal environment is composed of the staff, office technology and the departments in the organizations. The micro environment is composed of the customers, distributors and suppliers while the macro environments is composed of the Political (Legal) forces, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological forces which are popularly referred to as PEST (Hooley et al., 2004). These factors play an essential role in the creation of a marketing strategy. The success of an organization goes beyond the PEST analysis since it should consider the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which are referred to as the SWOT analysis. The resort has positioned itself

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES TOWARDS APPLYING ELECTRONIC- GOVERNMENT - Essay Example Applying modern technology in governmental operations or what is now called E-Government is a change for modernization in all activities, procedures and governmental treatments. Furthermore, it is simplifying and specifically changing the operations from traditional systems to technical (electronic) systems for raising the level efficiency of administrative work and the standard of performance. This is achieved by computerizing the system to save time, efforts and money in the national standard. Moreover, the computerized government operations are not for a specific category, rather it includes all the citizens and business establishment. This modernization has a number of aspects in its type, mean and models with its procedures and steps to be carried out between the administrative governmental organizations and business sector (Ibrahim 2004). The concept of E-Government is as a way through which the government offers its services to the citizens of its countries and the electronic business sector by making use of modern technology without the applicant service to transfer between the governmental units. Even though, the concept of E-Government has become the name for progress and administrative distinguishing but it faces some conceptual and practical human and environmental challenges which reduces the growth in this field and hinders its application in a correct manner. Therefore, the governmental organizations seeks to achieve the benefits of E-Government through strategic plans to raise the effectiveness of the management in all its aspects and quantitative and species factors (Alhabib 1992). The strategic plan is considered the corner stone of the application of E-Government in the private and public organizations. This strategic plan basically emphasizes the importance of human resource. It aims at getting the efficient individuals to work in different jobs and to benefit from their efforts according to the quantitative and species factors

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Pedagogy Verses Andragogy

The Pedagogy Verses Andragogy Jarvis expanded theory of transformation of the person through learning prepositions an argument for the andragogical model and the way in which adults learn. Given the quality and extent of experiences an adult gains throughout life-span these experiences are shaped and molded by societal roles and tasks, and according to Knowles (1984) will be used as a source of learning. A desire for knowledge or to engage the learning process, often identified as eagerness to learn, is stimulated by experiencing motivating shifts in one developmental task to another or by an important life episode, creating an adjustment in behavior that leads to improvement in some characteristic of our personal being. Laher (2007) indicates that such movement on the individuals development, leads to a alteration from a subject-centered academic orientation to a problem-centered academic orientation to learning, due mainly in response to changing life occurrences. This paper will evaluate 1) the role that social change plays from an a anadragogical approach with adult learners, 2) the responsibility of higher education institutions in facilitating adult education, and 3) briefly discuss a comparison between the role of pedagogy and andragogy approaches. Social Change And Adult Learners In terms of social change and the adult learner several factors are to be carefully considered. These would necessitate attending to social recognition of learners and addressing barriers to the learning process, reaching disadvantaged learners, fostering critical reflection associated with the process and ensuring experiential learning, and preparation for social action and community development. All of these efforts would serve to contribute to the value of college education among adult learners. Mason (2003) notes that one assumption that should be considered is the readiness of learners to be self-directed, self-motivated, and personally resourceful. Those learners experiencing disadvantage or who lack social recognition, or experience inequality as to access to educational opportunities may result in feelings of insecurity or uncertainty when approaching self-directed academics thus resulting in feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem, borne out by the extent of their disadvantage and the main motivation for learning. Therefore, Merriam, et al. (2007) and her colleagues suggest that empowering learners to act involves a number of tasks. Facilitating an environment for adult learners so that they could create a relationships of equality is key in developing skills needed to contribute to meaningful participation in adult curriculum programming at the university level. Having a role in collegiate democracy such as problem-definition, identification of adult student needs, problem-solving, and decision-making structures and the development of critical reflection allows adult students to become more invested in the educational pro cess and increases personal investment (pp. 23-27) Engagement at this level and the opportunities it provides will increase a sense of academic cohesion, groups of adult learners working to carry out social change actions and individual learners moving into opportunities for engagement that address this populations academic needs will help facilitate learning environments that provide academic experiences upon which adult students can obtain valuable successes, build confidence and reach academic goals. Experiential learning or education also helps adult learners identify their skills and strengths in order to devise progression options, and to become agents of their own learning (Connolly, 2002, p. 7). Such learning then is not only the responsibility of the individual learner, but must have a conduit by which learning is facilitated. The following section of this paper will address the responsibility of the higher education institutions role in adult education and the individual learner. Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions This section of the paper proposes the importance of institutions of higher education role in both providing and facilitating adult education with appropriate curriculum and strategies to enhance the adult learning experience. Higher education institutions goals and objectives could be adjusted to fit the learner and provide maximum opportunity to synthesize existing knowledge with new information by designing curricula that experientially relate to the learners developmental stage. The number of adults entering learning situations later in life is growing due to rapid displacement, advancements in shifts in the job market, technological demands, and movement of employment overseas. Merriam, et al. (2007) and her colleagues indicate that two best predicators of adult participation in a states higher education system were availability of undergraduate education (number of seats available, public and private) and educational attainment of the states adult population (percentage of adults with high school or higher) (p.69). Such responses to a voluntary or involuntary transition in their lives, such as seeking education to maintain current employment or to change careers, has necessitated a return to college for many older adults. It becomes the obligation of higher education institutions to adjust teaching strategies, curriculum, goals, and objectives to promote learning success in adult learners. To promote external social change and to provide optimum learning environments for older adult learners requires adjusting strategies in curricula and delivery of the curriculum. Therefore, the next section of this paper will address the important nature of the adult learner and the origins of the andragogical principles and theory. Pedagogy Verses Andragogy This section of the paper will briefly review insights with regard to the relationship between the pedagogy and andragogy principles and the adult learner. The leading form of teaching in America is pedagogy, or didactic, conventional, or teacher-directed method. A different method in terms of instructing adult learners is andragogy. The purpose of this section is to provide the reader with background information regarding both instructional forms. Pedagogical Assumptions. The pedagogical model of instruction was originally developed from Greek, meaning the art and science of teaching children. In the pedagogical model, the teacher has full responsibility for making decisions about what will be learned, how it will be learned, when it will be learned, and if the material has been learned. Pedagogy, places the student in a submissive role requiring obedience to the teachers instructions. It is based on the assumption that learners need to know only what the teacher teaches them. The result is a teaching and learning methodology that promotes dependency on the instructor (Knowles, 1984). The pedagogical model has been most used method applied equally to the teaching of children and adults and is seen as a contradiction in terms. As Knowles (1984) would suggest The reason this contradiction exists is as adults mature, they become increasingly independent and responsible for their own actions. They are often motivated to learn by a sincere desire to solve immediate problems in their lives. Additionally, they have an increasing need to be self-directing. In many ways the pedagogical model does not account for such developmental changes on the part of adults, and thus produces tension, resentment, and resistance in individuals (Knowles, 1984). According to Ozuah (2005), pedagogical theory emphasized five major points: the lack of experience, dependency (in terms of self concept), external motivation, content oriented learning, and readiness to learn. Due to their relatively short lifetimes, children do not have the opportunity to gain much useful experience from many life events or developmental tasks. As a result, children rely on teacher and/or adult guidance to fill the void and provide the information with predetermined course content, to create a frame of reference upon which to build new learning (Knowles, 1984). Furthermore, what little experience children do have is perceived within their limited cognitive abilities. Other factors of pedagogy are also in opposition to the nature of andragogical principles. Children are dependent upon adults for direction and guidance, in terms of learning, the dependent child looks to teachers for guidance as to learning needs, children are basically externally motivated to reach the goals set, not by them, but by teachers and parents. Berk (2004) insinuates that youth are concrete cognitive operational thinkers and operate in the here and now concept of achievement and notes until they are capable to thinking more in the abstract, they are not able to apply current learning to future experiences. In pedagogical methodology, a childs readiness to learn is driven by measurable achievement goals rather than developmental tasks. As childrens goals are externally pre-determined by teachers and parents, their readiness to learn aligns with adult expectations of them rather than their own. In other words, childrens readiness to learn is highly correlated with content achievement, as is their dependency on teachers to know what it is they need to learn. Imel (1989) suggest that Knowles strongly believed that through a comparison of pedagogical, teacher oriented methodology with andragogical, differences between adults and pre-adults would be clearly evident. Andragogical Assumptions. Andragogy as a system of ideas, concepts, and approaches to adult learning was introduced to adult educators in the United States by Malcolm Knowles. Knowles a professor of adult education at Boston University, introduced the term andragogy which he defined as the art and science of helping adults learn in 1968. By 1980 he suggested the following: . . . andragogy is simply another model of assumptions about adult learners to be used alongside the pedagogical model, thereby providing two alternative models for testing out the assumptions as to their fit with particular situations. Furthermore, the models are probably most useful when seen not as dichotomous but rather as two ends of a spectrum, with a realistic assumption (about learners) in a given situation falling in between the two ends (Knowles, 1980, p. 43 ). The andragogical model as conceived by Knowles is predicated on four basic assumptions about learners, all of which have some relationship to our notions about a learners ability, need, and desire to take responsibility for learning: Their self-concept moves from dependency to independency or self-directedness. They accumulate a reservoir of experiences that can be used as a basis on which to build learning. Their readiness to learn becomes increasingly associated with the developmental tasks of social roles. Their time and curricular perspectives change from postponed to immediacy of application and from subject-centeredness to performance-centeredness (1980, pp. 44-45). The growth and development of andragogy as an alternative model of instruction has helped to improve the teaching of adults. Andragogy as a concept and set of assumptions is a system subdivided into pedagogy (dealing with youth education) and andragogy (concerned with adult education). There is some variety, too, in the application of related terms. Some countries use adult pedagogy, one (the Soviet Union) uses the term auto didactic among others to refer to adult education activities, and a few countries use andragology to refer to andragogical science (Knoll, 1981, p. 92). Outside of North America there actually are two dominant viewpoints: . . . one by which the theoretical framework of adult education is found in pedagogy or its branch, adult pedagogy . . . and the other by which the theoretical framework of adult education is found in andragogy . . . as a relatively independent science that includes a whole system of andragogic disciplines (Savicevic, 1981, p. 88). Knowles (1975) in contrast to child learners suggest that adult learners evolve in the area of self-directed learning. One immediate reason was the emerging evidence that people who take initiative in educational activities seem to learn more and learn things better then what resulted from more passive individuals. He noted a second reason that self-directed learning appears more in tune with our natural process of psychological development (1975, p. 14). Knowles observed that an essential aspect of the maturation process is the development of an ability to take increasing responsibility for life. A third reason was the observation that the many evolving educational innovations (nontraditional programs, Open University, weekend colleges, etc.) throughout the world require that learners assume a heavy responsibility and initiative in their own learning. Summary This paper has provided a review regarding the research on approaches to adult learning in theory and practice. Additionally, consideration was given to role social change has played in adult learning programming and community outreach opportunities for this population. Noted were both success in reaching disadvantaged learners and those under-represented. The review of literature also confirms community education works particularly well for those adult learners who have experienced educational successes in high school and who have access to college courses and affordable course work. However, it is clear that andragogy and Malcolm Knowles have brought considerable attention to the adult education field as a separate field during the past three decades. Applied correctly, the andragogical approach to teaching and learning in the hands of a skilled and dedicated facilitator can make a positive impact on the adult learner. Knowles introduction of andragogy was predicated on four basic assumptions drawn on the learning differences between adults and children. With maturity and age, an individuals self concept becomes less dependent and more self directed while accumulating a wealth of valuable experience that would serve the learner when readiness to learn is reflected. Additionally, Knowles notes that adults seek out learning when appropriate to fulfill societal roles, and orientation to learning represented the skills or knowledge sought to either apply to daily problems in fulfilling the societal roles (Lee, 1998). Finally, learning becomes less subject-oriented and more problem-centered (Lee, 1998). In 1984, Knowles added a fifth assumption that suggested that adults are internally motivated rather than externally motivated, and in 1990 a sixth: the need to know why something must be learned prior to learning it and its justification for being learned (Fall, 1998).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lysistrata :: essays research papers

Aristophanes play Lysistrata takes place during the Peloponnesian War and the women of Greece are tired of their men being at war. Greek women want to preserve the traditional way of life in their community. With this in mind, Lysistrata calls all the women of Greece together and devises a plan. She argues that if the women all participate in two activities, their men will end the war. Her proposals are that the women hold a sexual strike against the men. She urged the women to dress in sexy clothing but refuse sexual activity with the men. The second part of her proposal is that the women take over the acropolis. The old women are to do this first, while the younger women are having the strike. In order to accomplish this, the women challenge the masculine role model. They take on masculine characteristics and attitudes and defeat their men physically, mentally and above all strategically. By portraying the opposite sex, the men are better able to view themselves, leading them to think more about their role and importance in the community. Men are a vital part of a stable environment and have many responsibilities to their wives, family and society. The women make it clear to the men how they feel when they are abandoned, with no sex, no company and no support. This proves that neither side benefits from war; just that one side loses more than the other side. Fourth century B.C. Athenian women would get distressed when their men went to war. Most Athenian women married in their teens and never had to be on their own, and probably wouldn't know what to do if they did land on their own. The men leave for war and some do not return mostly because of death. This creates hardship for the widow who finds herself on her own, most likely with children, and no one to take care of them anymore. The widow has few prospects. If she is young and attractive enough with the right domestic skills she might be able to remarry. But her situation is not too promising. After all, why would you want a widow, when you could get a "fresh" wife to "break-in" the way you want and start a family from your own seed? At the time, women were property. They were something beautiful to own, look at, and kept around to fulfill sexual needs.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Environment on Darfur After the Conflict Essay

The world has experienced a lot of conflicts for quite a long time throughout history. All the time there is a conflict, the damages caused is mostly documented in terms of how many casualties have been reported, and the impact it has caused on the economy. It is however rare to hear people talking on the effects these conflicts can have on the natural environment or which steps have been taken to protect the natural environment from such conflicts. The natural environment for a long time has been a silent victim of the conflicts that occurs either locally or internationally leaving the repercussions to be felt for quite some time. In many cases, the impact the war and other conflicts have been having on the environment has been generally very devastating. There are many pollutants that are released in the environment during the war which can end up affecting the natural resources. On the other hand, there are other natural resources that are depleted during the conflict leaving the environment at a worse position. A major problem is that most of the current conflicts are witnessed in the developing countries which do not have the economic capacity to deal with the environmental problems hence causing a major setback. Africa has had quite long cases of civil wars some which started during the colonial period and still taking place to now. These countries have been mostly been fighting over the borders which were drawn by the colonial powers for their on interests. Most of the wars taking place in Africa are as a cause of fighting for natural resources such as fertile farming land or water. Due to the long history of these civil wars in Africa, it is difficult to know exactly what these conflicts have caused to the environment. However, looking at the rate of the loss of biodiversity in the affected regions, it can be easy to realize how serious the situation has left the damage to the environment. Darfur Conflict and the Impact It Has Caused on the Environment Southern Sudan has witnessed along civil war that has caused many nations through the United Nations body and the African unity to try and broker peace in the region and bring things to the normal situation. The conflict that is being witnessed in the region right now is considered as a war between the different ethnic and tribal lines (IRIN, para 2). The sides that are mostly conflicting are the government’s military and the Janjaweed group. There are other rebel groups that have also made the situation to be worse. The major cause of the war in Sudan has been attributed to fighting for water between the Baggara nomads who moved to the south, a region mostly occupied by the farming communities to search for water. This conflict has led to many casualties being reported throughout. Despite putting in place a government of national unity, and increasing the presence of the African Union Peace keepers, the situation has not improved in any way (Borger, para 2). There have been many reasons given as a source to the Darfur conflict, though the major reasons have been cited to be the increasing population which the current natural resources can not hold, hence making these people to fight for the scarce resources. On the other hand, there have been claims that the conflict is as a result of the Arab dominants intention to wipe out the black Africans. This has even made the United States to refer to this as a form of genocide in the area. Whichever the cause of the war, it has caused so many untold damages. The focus on this conflict has always been the number of people who have died in the region, or the number of those displaced. It is important that people’s life and welfare is put first. This is what has been the major concern of many bodies, organizations and other nations. However, like many other conflicts, little concern has put on what effect this conflict is causing to the environment (AP, para 6). As earlier argued, the war in Sudan was triggered by the environmental problems which led to the communities to fight over scarce resources. It is however a worrying trend that the continued conflict is further endangering the environment that is supposed to support the whole population. The environment has been made worse by this conflict and made the land to become uninhabitable. This means that the tension between the conflicting communities gets to be more intense when it occurs that the natural resources are not going to support all of them as expected (Beyrer, & Pizer pp 67). Environmental degradation in Darfur has been on the rise due to the continued conflict. It means that the conflict that started as a result of the environmental problems is being escalated by destroying the environment further. The issues in Sudan over the environment indicate how complex the environmental matters can be in the causing breach to peace. This region has witnessed the decreased cases of traditional methods of environmental management systems, and in some places being disregarded completely. The conflict over resources in Darfur was at a local level but expanded to national level where political and economic marginalization was heightened. Ethnic differences have contributed to making the matters worse to the situation. Therefore, despite having the political and economic factors leading to the problems in Darfur, the major issue surrounds natural resources (de Montesquiou, para 8). The Sudanese Arabs moved to the south to look for pasture for their animals due to the prolonged drought that was experienced in their regions. This led to them conflicting with the black farmers whose land the Arabs were grazing on. The grazing of the animals on the farming land worsened the situation as there was increased soil erosion which made land to be poor for farming. When the black farmers realized that the Khartoum government was indifferent in solving the matter, they rebelled against them. By rebelling, the people started to fight destroying many manmade and natural resources that were on the way (Borger, para 7). When the nomads inhabited the farming areas, they started to cut down the trees. To the farmers, the cut trees were very important as they provided shade for their crops and holding together the soil to avoid erosion. Due to the conflict of interest, these important natural resources were destroyed as they were caught in between the fighting. With no trees cover, the problem of lack of rainfall becomes even heightened, which is a big trouble to both the farmers and the nomads since they cannot be able to get rain that is important for the crops and animals respectively. Due to the bare land caused by the cutting of the trees, it has become harder for the farmers at the refugee camps to go back to their homes as they can not carry out any meaningful activities to such bare lands. With this kind of the situation, it becomes difficult to control human suffering without further harm to the environment (HPN, para 3) Many people have been killed in the conflict while millions of others have been living in the camps after being left homeless. At the camps, the refugees need to be given their basic needs. Water is a very important commodity that no human beings can do without. In fact as argued throughout, the conflict has been surrounding fighting for water resources. Therefore, while at the camps, the refugees have to be provided with water. This has led to the humanitarian organizations to dig boreholes to help the refugees get water. Considering that the land in Darfur is largely dominated by hard rocks, it means that the rains that fall in the short season mostly wash away, hence, the boreholes depends on the underground reserves. Considering the rate at which the reserves are being used, it is tough to imagine the consequences that await the Darfur people when the reserves will finally be depleted. The situation might lead to the refugees being moved to another region that can support them. There are already some areas that have reported the drying up of the boreholes. Apart from water, the refugees also need other resources for their daily work. There have been many trees that have been cut by the refugees near the camps to provide them with firewood. The trees are also cut and used to construct and reinforce the makeshift houses of the refugees. This implies that trees are being used at a higher rate than they are being replaced. There are some refugees who are involved in some economic activities. The common economic activity that the refugees are involved with is making mud bricks. The refugees are involved with this activity mostly because it does not need skilled labor, and the materials are readily available. A lot of water is usually used in the making of the bricks. A lot of water is used considering the dryness on most of the camp soils. Furthermore, since the refugees want to make a lot of money, they try to make as many bricks as possible. The more work they do, the many materials are required. The areas that the soil for making the bricks is dug usually leaves many holes indicating the rate at which the soil is being depleted. The formation of a layer of soil takes many years, however, the refugees depletes many layers in a very short time. It is very bad to notice that the fertile soils that can be used for agricultural production is actually used for the making bricks. These soils can not be replenished in the short run as it is being depleted. In the areas that the refugees remove the soils to make the bricks, they leave the tree roots exposed which contributes to the wilting of the trees (Homer-Dixon, pp 19). Therefore, this still adds the woes the refuges already have. Furthermore, since to make the bricks requires a lot of water, it means that the refugees have to compete on how to use the water for the domestic work and the production of the bricks. In the end, the action contributes to the hastened depletion of the water resources. The bricks cannot be complete if they have not been burnt in the kiln. The kiln requires using a lot of firewood. This means several trees have to be felled to be used in the kiln. One kiln can take as many as 35 trees for the bricks to be ready. This shows the impact this single activity can have on the important natural resources. There have been increased sand dunes in the areas that had once been covered by trees just a few years ago. This is all because of the refugees activities in trying to earn a living. Most of the dams in Sudan are drying and having a lot of sedimentation as a result of deforestation. Many dams have lost their holding capacity due to these reasons (HPN, para 8). Once the war comes to an end as is presupposed, the refugees will have to go back to their homes to start a new life. They will first need to rebuild their damaged homes, which will basically require that they cut more trees to build these homes. Considering the already cut trees in their former homes, there are therefore no trees left behind to cater for their needs. This implies the building materials will have to be sourced somewhere else, which automatically will be increasing the base of the damage to other regions. Having realized the impact the conflict is leading to the refugees affecting the environment, especially on trees, several organizations like the US aid have helped the refugees to design the cooking stoves that uses a completely reduced amount of fuel as a way of the saving the environment. This stoves though taken as a move to save the environment, it has a big impact on the social and cultural life (de Montesquiou, para 11). Since the conflict is between two ethnic groups with two distinct lifestyles, each group undertakes an activity that they think will destroy the other. For instance, the nomads usually graze their animals on the farmers’ crops. This leaves the farmers with nothing as their crops are destroyed by the animals. On the other hand, the farmers on their side burn the grazing lands for the nomads. This is even a worse action to take as it does not only affect the nomads in terms of lacking food, but it affects the farmers themselves in that the burning of the ground destroys the important living organisms that are found in the soil which helps in improving the soil fertility. This means that the soil is left unproductive which will affect both the nomads and the farmers in the long run. Furthermore, the nomads are used to grazing their animals and moving from one region to another after the feeds in that area have reduced. However, due to the conflict, the migration routes for the nomads were blocked by the farmers. This made it impossible for the nomads to move from one region to another with their animals, hence meaning overgrazing in one region. The overgrazed areas will generally have very poor production as there will be increased soil erosion (Homer-Dixon, pp 29). In general, humanitarian issues are usually given much priority over the environment as a short term solution to any crisis. Therefore, whatever actions that are taken by the involved bodies do not give much or even any consideration to the environment. For instance, when the refugee camps are set up, it is aimed at providing security and a better life to the refugees. No consideration is put on what activities the refugees are going to carry out that might affect the environment whether in the long or short run. This is being evidenced by the number of boreholes drying up in various refugee camps (HPN, para 16). There are hundreds of thousands of the Darfur refugees who have been granted asylum in Chad. The Chadian locals are thus forced to compete for the natural resources in their territory with the refugees. Putting in mind the activities the refugees are engaged with, and the major aims of the organization that are associated with the taking care of the refugees which are just humanitarian care, the refugees can have a very big impact on the environment of the host country. The refugees in the camps hopes for someday to go back home. This implies they cannot have long term projects that will help in the development and taking care of the region that has granted them asylum. This might make them to be at loggerheads with the host country and thus be denied the asylum (Gouroukoun, para 7). Furthermore, as the refugees enter the Chadian soil, it is not guaranteed that they have their safety. The Janjaweed have been following the refugees in their camps attacking them. This has also posed danger to the Chadian nationals making them to move closer to where there is security in their country. In essence, the Chadian people are not even free in their own land because of hosting the refugees. As the Chadian moves to the place they feel is more secure, they also cause congestion and constraint to the resources that are supposed to host them. There are many other effects that the conflict has caused to the environment. As the conflict rages on, both sides are heavily armed. The weapons used to attack one group leave a lot of damages to the environment. For instance, there have been many crops, homesteads and the grazing grounds for each group that have been burnt by the opposing group. The oils and chemicals used to burn these properties, and the residue of the burnt products find their ways into the water bodies contaminating them. This on the other hand affects the lives in the water bodies. Furthermore, as the crisis continues, weapons used like bombs have continued to pollute the environment and their effect left in the environment for along time affecting the quality of life. It is very difficult to find crops growing in a region that has experienced a battle field. This is because of the effect that the weapons and chemicals used in the process have on the environment. It is common to find that the areas that had been bombed can not sustain any agricultural activity. It thus means that as the communities fight over the scarce natural resources and keep on destroying them during the fight, it only helps in escalating the problem they are already facing (Homer-Dixon, pp 41). The Janjaweed and the other militias in the Darfur conflict are always in the hideout. Most of the hideouts are in the forests. This implies that they have to depend so much on the forests for their own needs. For instance, they have to cut down the trees to use for fuel, hunt wild animals for food, and all these activities upsets the natural environment settings. There are many regions that used to be occupied by trees and wild animals like the elephants and the antelopes but when looked at now are bare because of the activities that have been taking place in the regions. Conclusion The Darfur crisis has actually been said to have started for over three decades ago. However, it only escalated in 2003 when the current crisis became out of control. The major cause of the war has been attributed to lack of enough natural resources. The problem is that because the fights were due to the protection and the need to acquire more natural resources, it is ironical that the same resources are being destroyed. In essence, this seems to increase the problems already faced. This has created the vicious cycle of the war in the Darfur region. Therefore, unless the concerned bodies look for a way of dealing with the problem of these natural resources, it is not possible to stop this war despite the many peace agreements that might be signed by the leaders of the region. Work Cited AP. Darfur conflict worsens environment, 2007. Retrieved on October 29, 2008 from http://platform. blogs. com/passionofthepresent/2007/06/darfur-conflict. html. Beyrer, Chris & Pizer, Hank. 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