Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Description Of A New Economic Climate - 1488 Words

Just in time in Kalamazoo Introduction In this new economic climate were every company and organization is looking for ways to save money and to improve on their bottom line. Companies and organizations are looking at the companies for the top to the bottom and the companies and organizations that are in the manufacturing world are looking at how to be more efficient in using their dollars wiser and more productive. Since the manufacturing arena is a customer based service they have been trying to make their service more customer facing and more customer friendly. In that they are finding was to not make items or products and hoping that the customer will accept what they have already manufactured but are going to a more customer friendly we will make it to your order. This has intern given the customer a product that is made to their order and it has given the organizations less inventory on hand which in turn cuts their cost through storage and warehousing the items. This process gives the manufacture the ability to ma ke the item or product and ship it straight to the customer thus cutting down on holding and warehousing a product until some customer wants instead it is out the door as soon as it is made. This process has been name the as the â€Å" Just In Time† Process (Songini, 2000). A Company specializing in mini motor homes located in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Reviews how it might make changes in its inventory and other cost since they recently expanded its market from theShow MoreRelatedThe Climate Change Impact Statement1453 Words   |  6 PagesThe Climate Change Impact Statement (CCIS) should include the following: 1. Objectives of the CCIS: to provide a statement of the objectives of the CCIS. The structure of the CCIS should then be outlined and used to explain how the document will meet its objectives. 2. Executive summary: to convey the most important aspects and options relating to the project in a concise and readable form. 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